Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Engine Died During Fast Riding

I was late to the office this morning. So, I push the GTR to the limit.

It was fine for the first 30 minutes but suddently.... brrrrrrrrrrrr....... lost power. I was travelling at about 110km/h when it happened. I released the throttle fully and pull it again. Just a little bit. Engine regain power but pooommmm.......... an explosion like and the exhaust. I continue cruising at lower speed. Luckily I reached my office.

I check out with a few friends, some says that may be due to insufficient petrol being fed to the carburator. And the 'boom' sound may be due to miss firing by the spark plug.

I lost my confident on this bike again. May be no more full throttle and surely no long distance riding.

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